Our Story

We want to show the world why you matter

Nippon Design Center (NDC) was established in Tokyo in 1959 to develop the Japanese economy through a design perspective.

Throughout the years, our company has been involved with major global projects including the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, and has played a key role in the growth of several large enterprises that lead the modern Japanese economy. Today, our company is a global corporation that works not only in Japan, but also Asia, Europe and North America.

Nippon Design Center is broadening its horizons to the rest of the world by establishing an American office Nippon Design Center USA (NDCLA), as of March 2022.

NDCLA explores the intersections of culture — traditional/contemporary, Western/Eastern, craft/technology, art/life — and transforms brands through human-centered design.


People of NDCLA

Daigo Daikoku

Board of Directors
Daigo is a graduate of the Kanazawa College of Art. He began working at Nippon Design Center in 2003 and started Daikoku Design Institute in 2011. Driven by his curiosity about the West Coast, Daigo moved to Los Angeles in 2018. Here at NDCLA he envisions a new type of design studio—one that aggregates diverse experiences and channels them into a holistic, intimate practice. While Daigo acknowledges that technology has brought our world closer together, barriers still exist. He believes visual communication can help bridge the divide and create a higher social consciousness. At NDCLA, Daigo and his team focus on human-centered design and the serendipity that occurs at the crossroads of culture. Daigo brings ideas to life through simple, clear, and bold design. He communicates essential information, while also forging emotional and philosophical connections between his work, his clients, and their audiences. Projects include creative direction for Takao 599 Museum, Mt. Takao’s nature-themed museum (2015 – present); exhibition design for The Art of Bloom, a multi-sensory experience that focuses on the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature (2019); exhibition design for HIDA: A Woodworking Tradition in the Making for Japan House Los Angeles (2020); book design for New Language, a textbook used in Japanese elementary school language classes (2020); book design for Waka poetry by Japan’s Empress Michiko (2015); art direction and production for Muji’s annual cross-media global holiday campaign (2009 – 2014); brand identity for Pristine, Japan’s renowned organic cotton brand (2010 – present); and package design for Koshi no Kanbai, one of Japan’s premium sake brands (2015 – present).


2003年金沢美術工芸大学卒業後、日本デザインセンター入社。2011年大黒デザイン研究室設立。2018年から拠点をLAに移す。グラフィックデザインを基軸におきながら、 CI、VI、広告、パッケージ、ブックデザイン、映像、プロダクト、ストアデザイン、美術館の総合ディレクションなど、企業や教育機関から行政の仕事まで、様々なスケールのプロジェクトを行っています。特にアート、ライフスタイル、テクノロジーにフォーカスし、新たな価値創出のためのプロジェクトに積極的に取り組んでいます。コンセプトの構築から携わり、目的を明確にし、その目的を達成するための最適な表現方法を選択することで、ただ情報を伝えるのではなく、その背景や哲学を伝えたいと考えています。 代表的な仕事として、山と自然をテーマにした博物館「TAKAO 599MUSEUM」の総合ディレクション。人と花の共生をテーマにしたインタラクティブな展覧会「The Art of Bloom」のクリエイティブディレクション。JAPAN HOUSE Los Angelesでの「HIDA展」の展覧会デザイン。日本全国の小学校で使用されている「新しい国語」の教科書や「皇后美智子さまの御歌」のブックデザイン、オーガニックコットンブランド「PRISTINE」のアートディレクション。「無印良品」や「武蔵野美術大学」の大学案内や広告のアートディレクション。「越乃寒梅」のパッケージデザインなど。平面から、立体、映像、空間まで様々な文脈で、領域にとらわれないデザインの提案を行っています。 主な受賞歴:東京ADC原弘賞、JAGDA新人賞、JAGDA賞、 SDA賞、D&AD(UK)、NYADC、One Show、Clio Award(US)、FRAME Award(HL)ほか多数。
Kosuke Tsurube

Kosuke Tsurube

Kosuke graduated from Tama Art University's Department of Information Design in 2017 and joined Nippon Design Center the same year.



Kenji Takaishi

Project Manager
Kenji worked in the finance and advertising industries before joining Nippon Design Center in 2014. He has overseen projects for Toyota Motor Corporation, Asahi Group Holdings, and Procter & Gamble.



Hiroko Kusano

Administration and Operations
Hiroko has worked in the United States for over 20 years as a business strategist for cultural and start-up organizations. She joined NDCLA in 2022.



Weying Ma

Junior Designer
Weying recently graduated from MFA in Graphic Design from ArtCenter College in 2023 and joined Nippon Design Center USA.

Weying Ma
